Outreach and Prevention
Our Team...
- Educates the community on how to identify and define the traits of a healthy versus unhealthy relationship to prevent future abuse before it begins.
- Informs the community about who Turning Point is and the services we offer so survivors can become better connected to our resources.
- Changes attitudes within the community on how domestic violence is viewed and discussed to dismantle attitudes and norms that condone domestic violence and abusive behaviors.
Why Prevention?
The prevention education that Turning Point offers through school presentations is a form of primary prevention. Primary prevention plays a crucial role in public health by addressing the root causes of physical and mental health issues before they occur.
It aims to stop issues like domestic violence, unhealthy relationships, and bullying before they occur by providing students with knowledge, skills, and resources. It also provides them with an intersectional view of how different social, cultural, and societal factors play a role in shaping behaviors and attitudes surrounding these issues.
This proactive approach helps create a safer and more supportive school environment and community. By addressing these topics early on, students learn to recognize the signs of potential problems, develop healthy relationship skills, and contribute to a positive culture, ultimately working to prevent the occurrence of harmful behaviors in the first place.
This education and prevention is important for fostering a community that values respect, empathy, and communication.

Turning Point Curriculum
Pre-K and Elementary School
- Anti-Violence Bullying Prevention
- Building Healthy Friendships
- Erin's Law
Middle School
- Defining Healthy Friendships
- Healthy Relationships
- Cyber Bullying
- Erin's Law
High School
- Teen Dating Violence Prevention
- Erin's Law
Parents/School Personnel/Community
- Domestic Violence Awareness
- Connecting to Turning Point Services
- Domestic Violence and Children
- Teen Dating Violence
- Digital Safety for Youth
*Presentation topics can always be designed to fit individual audience needs and requests.
To schedule a presentation or discuss how the Outreach Department can be of assistance to your school, contact our Director of Outreach and Community Engagement at [email protected] or by calling 815-338-8081
Turning Point provides trauma-informed presentations to school and community groups on Anti-Violence Education. We also hold workshops for teachers and staff on domestic violence, bullying prevention, and teen dating violence.
Turning Point Prevention Staff upon request can provide parent letters on Illinois school mandates, presentation content, and staff credentials
Meeting Illinois State Standards
Critical Health Problems and Comprehensive Health Education Act.
105 ILCS 110/3.10
Sec. 3.10. Policy on teen dating violence.
The school board of each public school district in this State shall adopt a policy that does all of the following:
- States that teen dating violence is unacceptable and is prohibited and that each student has the right to a safe learning environment
- Incorporates age-appropriate education about teen dating violence into new or existing training programs for students in grades 7 through 12 and school employees.
Public Act 096-1524
(105 ILCS 5/10-23.13 new)
Sec. 10-23.13. Policies addressing sexual abuse.
To adopt and implement a policy addressing sexual abuse of children that may include age-appropriate curriculum for students in pre-K through 5th grade; training for school personnel on child sexual abuse; educational information to parents or guardians provided in the school handbook on the warning signs of a child being abused, along with any needed assistance, referral, or resource information; available counseling and resources for students affected by sexual abuse; and emotional and educational support for a child of abuse to continue to be successful in school.
Any policy adopted may address without limitation:
Methods for increasing teacher, student, and parent awareness of issues regarding sexual abuse of children, including knowledge of likely warning signs indicating that a child may be a victim of sexual abuse;
Actions that a child who is a victim of sexual abuse should take to obtain assistance and intervention and available counseling options for students affected by sexual abuse. This Section may be referred to as Erin’s Law.